Why Wise

Why Choose WISE

To make your life as a retail broker easier

We have appointments and strategic alliances with some of the most well-known and highly rated carriers in the entertainment, media, sports, film, music, conference/tradeshow, and live event industry segments.

Just send your submission to one place and let us approach them for you.  We will promptly report back with the best pricing and coverage option for your client.  We can even put it into a quote-form you can customize to make it even easier for you!

Improved pricing and terms:

After years of high-level experience working for carriers and MGU’s in the products outlined above, we know the business from that side of the transaction.  

  • We personally know the underwriters, having managed or worked with them

  • We know their reinsurers

  • We know their pricing models

  • We know how policy wordings can be improved 

  • We know how they process business

Often times our carrier-experience can translate into helping you provide your clients with broader coverage, lower premiums, and faster service than you or your competition would receive without us…..giving you a leg up on your competition.

You are the experts in managing the relationship with the Insured…..let WISE be your “back-room” expert in managing the relationship with the carrier and maximizing the product they provide your clients.